Some Things I Worry About.

I have always worried. I’ve stayed up at night worrying about school, or the government, aliens. You know, like things people should worry about. Sometimes my brain makes me worry like ideas popping up in my head like ” If it’s Opposite Day then the opposite of Opposite Day would just be a normal day.” I legit said that this morning and thought about it and worried about it for about four hours. Then I think, ” What if people who worship God and live on Earth are actually one cell on a person. Like one cell on a body has a universe within it and within that universe is a planet with life on it and the people on that planet think that they are the only people in existence and they worship a “God” but little do they know that there is a billion other planets with life on them worshipping the same person and those people live on the cells of you!” I thought that up when I was like eight. I’m a worrying person. 

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